Thursday, May 26, 2011

People in the mirror

I found this picture on the web and I liked to see the people captured in the shot. It is clear that the enviroment on the front has different light than the back of the photographer. The sunlight is hitting directly on the building behindof the two women. It looks if like a the light of the sun filters between the buildings because the women and the photographer doesn't receive direct light from the sun. Also the enviroment in the front of the photo doesn't receive direct light. All in front appear under a uniform light. This picture has a nice contrast of light. And the effect with the mirror help to create this contrast.

Reflection in the water

This early in the morning picture, or maybe at the end of the day has a reflect effect in the water (lake or river). But the leaves that come out from the water doesn't have a direct light. Is only the background that ilmuminates it. I mean, the fog, in the back, reflected light around the leaves, behind, and it creates a reflection over the water. The image is almost clean. Almost I cannot see the division of the water with the fog. It looks uniform. The blurry reflection of the leaves in the right show me that it is a reflection over the water.

Show effect

Last night I was playing my guitar and I saw this shadow in my wall. I found it interesting. I had little desk light behind of me. Tugsten light. I would like to create this kind of effects for a show. Maybe in front of a curtain before to open a show. I could use a backlight, shooting white light behind the artist and proyecting his shadow on the curtain. The people in the other side of the curtain could see his shadow. It could be a easy and a nice effect for a show.

Monday, May 23, 2011

London Street

Lights on all sides to illustrate this image. The light of two lanterns, the illuminated sign. The lights of the city, the buildings on the back of the picture. White light, colored light, fluorecent lights. The sky emitting a dark blue color at the begining of the night. This set of lights create a soft and colorful atmosphere in the middle of the night in this great city. The lights and noise from the traffic that surround this busy street of London, are the set of details that make this wonderful picture.

Light and trees.

A backlight. A few branches of a tree resting in front of the bright moonlight. It is an image that goes unnoticed to the naked eye. Easy to reproduce an image, whether for a photo, video, etc. A simple backlight, white light in the middle of the dark of the night. A shining light among the trees against the eyes of those who watch it. Sometimes the simplest thing becomes the most divine to appreciate.

Almost Perfect..

It seems a perfect light. Still I have my doubts. Computer could be in here, maybe. The windows look good, but in the mirror's reflection is blurred. The wall is dark and the mirror is brighter. The lamp shade is also not equal. Definitely this is done by a computer but the artist he forgot these little details. The light in the picture almost is perfect.

Nice Colors

Colors. The light feeds the colors? These beautiful stones seem to glow when exposed to daylight. The yellow and red, warm colors, are more brillant than the blue and green. The same light, the same location, the same container. Light that feed my senses, light that illuminates and gives a balance to the colors that create an atmosphere of sadness or joy. The sky is cloudy, I can see it in the bowl, but the stones shine. How would be the shine of these if they receive the sunlight directly?

Where is the light?

This picture definitely has a light in front. Impossible, a dark and cloudy day. I could not see the faces of the characters without a artificial light. But where is the light? The subject in the middle is almost in dark and the other two characters are well. I think that the photographer is using a soft light coming from his flash. this light is hitting the character in the right, the man on the middle is not getting enough light and the man on left is getting natural light coming from the sky and the reflected water.

The Shape of the Shadow.

I've always liked to see the shadows. It seems to be the expression of another world created by our forms and movements. The light is primarily responsible for this phenomenon, wherever that this move creates a reflection of what lies ahead. In the picture a man walking, I can imagine anything. He seems to go home after work, a shadow that looks tired, carrying a coat or a briefcase. Sunlight seems to 5pm, a few hours after sunset. Just the sun behind this character, drawing the silhouette of someone who just walks.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The show needed a back light....

Yesterday I watched the show of "Del Toros"in the Venue. All production was perfect, light, video and audio, all perfect. I'm not an expert on lighting but I have seen many live shows with excellent lighting production. The lighting in this show was very well handled, but I found that it needed more creativity. At all times the white light was prevailing, the scene was very well balanced to take video, but I think that the light was flat at all times, there was no contrast on the colors. During a song on the show I was thinking why the show doesn't have back lights behind the musicians. At this moment, I was imaging that part of the song with back lights. And when I found this picture, tonight, I thought, this is the kind of color of light that I would have liked to use as back light during that song. Beautiful color that could create a awesome contrast. The magenta in the sky is my back light and the musicians are the trees. That kind of scene I wanted to see.

Back Light

If I'm not wrong, this picture has 2 Par 64 or a similar light. At first glance I can observe these 2 lights, but also I think that there is another light on the front of the person. It is a light with a very weak intensity in comparison to the rear lights. The small flash lights observed in the hair and the chin of the person are created by the reflection of light on the lens used in the camera.
It may seem like a bad picture taken but the lighting and the shot is intentionally created by photographer.

Same technique and concept

A simple portrait, done with a simple light. I was looking at this picture that I found online. It was made with a soft light, used from the front. These are the differences that I should compare when I use light for photography, and light for a stage. Basically is the same concept and technique, but the equipment is different. For photography I can use a simple head flash with a softbox. And for a stage, I could use a spotlight (ETC Source 4), white light. All this lighting equipment is new to me. I have to be familiar with all this equipment. I'm very interested on it.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Vectorworks. Awesome!!!!

Honestly, I never have any kind of experience with Vectorworks. But after the last lecture and lab I feel happy with this new learning. At first it looked as a complicate sofware to use and I felt a little fearful to used. The sofware is amazing and this class is really awesome. I'm really enjoing this class. I would like to have a little more of time to understand some important points that I'm still missing. But little by little, I think that I'm in the right way.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Lights of the night.

White light emerging from the side into the pool during a night sky illuminated by the light of the city. A beautiful light blue color in the water of the pool is a nice contrast with the dark blue sky. The photo seems made ​​by a painter, as if he chose the perfect colors for this beautiful hue. The color light gives movement to the water in the small pool; in contrast with the cozy quiet on the infinite blue sky. Beautiful paint of the night.

Monday, May 16, 2011

I need a New Lamp

A small lamp illuminated a part of the room. Not completely, but this little lamp emit a diffuse light at the corner of the room. The screen of the lamp is made on a square paper. On the top of the lamp a little beam brights and illuminates the corner of the room but also, I can see a shadow, below on the same corner of the room. Is hard to read with this kind of lamp. I think this lamp wasn't make to read, just to created an quiet and relaxing enviroment. I think that that lamp should be removed for a reading lamp.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

I feel as small as the traffic light.

8:30 a.m. I am driving my car in the direction of sunlight. I find it hard to see, the sunlight is very strong in the morning. I can hardly see the light of the red traffic light. The intensity of the traffic light is weak compared with that of the sun. During night I can see the light of the traffic lights since miles far. How power is the sunlight? How many candlepower it has? How it is measured? I feel as small as the traffic light.

Monday, May 9, 2011

The shape of my foot.

I think the best way to illustrate my analysis of the light is right through photographs. Last night the TV emitted light in my room that was completely dark. At times I could see the outline of my foot that was in front of the television. The light bounced off the back of my foot and I could see the silhouette in front of my TV. After my eyes focus light directly on the television, only I could distinguish my foot at all what was in the fourth, then I tried to focus on other things that were in the room, but I had to wait several seconds that my eyes adapted in the light of the dark.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Light in the water.

Yesterday afternoon I went to the pool on a beautiful sunny day. And I saw that the pool water was spreading light in different directions. As the water moved it was transmitting light flashes in my eyes that at times it bothered me. The sunlight was so intense that when it passes through the water it created shadows of everything moving within it and I could see details of what was in the water.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

My interest in lighting

I never thought to be interested in lighting. It's ironic, I am a photographer but never thought to be interested in lighting for shows and theaters. When I started pursuing a career in Show Pro, I never had in my mind lighting. I always thought in audio only.
Today in my second class of LCD I realized that I knew nothing about the lighting equipment traditionally used in shows. Best of all is that the class wasn't boring. All aspects of it were interesting. I had used gels before in my flash and in some tungsten reflectors for photography and video sessions but I never analyzed the reflectors and its parts or how it were made​​. Although I found it somewhat confusing the way the color gels palette was numbered. The numbers on the gels wasn't in order. I should ask why.
An interesting point of the class was the psychology of color and its use. Also, the photopigment depletion phenomenon. I didn't know about it. 30 seconds exposed to monochromatic scenes and it happens.
I think today's class opened my interest in lighting. I hope that the following classes are equal or better.